Effect of Media on Society

Media is used to get idea’s around. Media and The Internet are basic rights everybody has. Since technology has grown so much; so fast. It’s hard to create a border between what’s legal when creating media and what’s not. I believe that Media has it’s benefits and it’s negatives. Some Benefits/Negatives include…

1. An easy way to communicate… (Bad, and Good) Bad – Since negative idea’s could spread. Like how ISIS used basic open-source chatting apps to communicate. Good – Because help and support as well as positive awareness can be developed. It also help’s communicate with relative’s and others.

2.Teaches you about yourself…(Bad, and Good) Bad – Since you might be expected to act or look a certain way because of societies unrealistic ideals. It might also be bad if you show or talk to much on Facebook. Making it easy for people to use that valuable information against you. Good – Because it can show how you can improve doing what you do with positive criticism.

Overall Media has no power over us. It’s just how much we let Media affect us.  With Media we can connect with people. But at the same time we can connect with people who we really don’t wanna connect with. And or the internet can judge you strictly. With Media, groups are created just like school. And people expect those groups to act in a certain way. Which can make you change who you really are. Same when you see somebody who’s not realistic aka photoshopped. You may then apply unrealistic goals for yourself. It all depends on how the user uses Media. For their outcome to be either positive and or negative.

10 thoughts on “Effect of Media on Society

    1. With Media today I believe that it’s mostly negative. Since it makes us more connected and more engaged in the virtual world than we are i the real world. It adds a second life, which is much easier to lie on and expose gullible people. However for the spread of true information that benefit’s people then I would consider that aspect positive.

  1. i like how we wrote about different sides of media, and they relate some how. I see your point, but some people have no control over the media affecting them, such as celebrities. but i like your idea.

    1. I agree with you that some people don’t have control over the media. However I don’t believe that the media affects celebrities. It just affects the way you see them. Even if it may be false information.

  2. Hi
    I love how you used small background knowledge and mixed in with a bit of research. Then created a long and interesting paper.

  3. Hi Adric,

    You have state 2 points and written a lot about them. I have one question. You have written a lot of positives but no negatives?
    Why? Good job

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